Spring Brings New Beginnings

Spring Brings New Beginnings

We have reached a bumpy road with the Covid 19 virus but one needs to focus on the next phase and work through this challenge. Yes! Life is full of challenges and part of your skill set is your resilient personality.

Abacus & March and Interior Training Academy (ITA) are working from home, available for WhatsApp interviews and continuing to communicate and advise recruiting yachts. Feel free to contact Lucy Hogan (training@ita-courses.com) to discuss your training requirements and ITA is offering a 10% discount on all courses booked this month.

Furthermore, it is our duty of care to keep our candidates up to speed with the current situation regarding Covid-19. It is an uncertain time with constant updates. Please refer to the MCA website for the latest guidelines issued.

Stay safe, social distancing is imperative, wear masks when you are outside. More importantly, we are here for you!

Contact information:

Mandy Lee-Elliott

Terry Gilmore

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